Monday, April 14, 2008

Weight Loss Fraud

If you are tempted to try a quick fix check out this information on weight loss fraud.

People get desperate to lose weight and waste money they could better use elsewhere.

If you have read how I lost weight you can see that I have NO gimmicks. You don't pay anything. I don't get anything except the satisfaction of helping someone.

Yes, dieting may seem repetitious or even boring at first. Even liking what you are eating too much can be a problem - you want more. But that does not mean we have to deny ourselves really good food.

I won't kid you that you can eat anything and lose weight. You can, but you would have to restrict the quantity. Like maybe you would have 1 Mickey D quarter pounder and fries and you are done for the day? I don't think so. You would be too hungry to sustain a diet like that.

We get used to a lot of sauces that you have to learn to live without or alter to make them fit into your new "for-life" style. But you adjust - IF YOU WANT to. I was determined. Until you lose the weight you want I would suggest avoiding temptations. No cake - just once a week. You will be eating too much the next day - I guarantee it. And more the day after. Did I say forever no cake? NO - but not for a while.

It takes time to adjust and get the desire for rich food out of your life style and thinking. Remember over eating IS an addiction. Most people who "just take a little drop" slide right off the wagon.

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