Friday, February 8, 2008

See How They Try to Fool You!

The people who create ads and food packaging are in business to sell a product. The actually COUNT on you to be gullible. They HOPE you are too busy to read labels. They appeal to you thinking that certain words appeal to you or are hip at the moment. They USE you to make you choose their product and they are very very calculated about it. Marketing is a science. Your fat hips is money in their pockets. How do you fight back? Buy products that help you - not ones that defeat you. They go where the market is. They follow the money. It's a complicated world out there. There IS lots of good stuff out there but you can't believe what it says in big letters. Just because something uses pitch words and diet guru names, the products are still out there marketing to your weak side.

If its not in the fresh food department without packaging - READ the label! Remember the principle ingredient is always first. If something is down the list it may only be a small percentage of the total ingredients - and they don't have to tell you how much.

Here is a good example: You are looking for whole grain bread. Is it:

Oatmeal bread?
Nutty Oat bread?
Whole Grain bread?
Enriched flour?
Unbleached flour?
Rye bread?
Pumpernickle Bread?
100% whole wheat flour?

All these breads except the last one may have very little oat or whole wheat flour. They are made with at least half or more plain white flour. White flour is used to make the bread softer and bake up smoothly.

Even 100% whole wheat flour contains other ingredients like water, milk, eggs and oil. The important thing is that it is mostly whole wheat flour.

Check how much meat is actually in a frozen meal and how much is starchy carbs. Trust me it is cheaper to put noodles in a can of soup than chicken.

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